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Cartografia Sonora Antartica - Alejandra Perez
Studio USF kl. 14:00. presentation

Perez says:
It uses sound recordings and footage from expedition to Antartica in
december 2010. Very Low Frequencies and transduced hydrophone sound from Wedell seals were recorded during 10 days journey in an icebraker. The project collects sounds in remote places, antartica, atacama and isla robinson crusoe (previous to feb2710 tsunami).
The project focus is the monitoring of remote places, often only occupied
by scientist and military.
*the means to monitor pollution and hear the invisible in the hands of
Activities in remote areas are often performed by scientists or the military. It is one instance where universities, research laboratories anddefense complexes meet. It is a situation to claim participation of civil society.


RDEX presentation - Claude Heiland-Allen
Studio USF kl. 15:00, presentation
A presentation on the art and tech behind my project RDEX - covering aesthetics of higher dimensions, emergent behaviour, GPU programming for audio-visuals, using databases for image similarity, and so on...
RDEX (reaction-diffusion explorer) is an installation and performance piece that explores in an autonomous hyperspace mathematical model, searching for interesting emergent behaviour (life-alike, alife).


CHEAP, FAT + OPEN: an open source platform for musical exploration, composition and performance - Jacob Sikker Remin / Jakob Bak

Studio USF kl. 16:00, presentation
The platform is CHEAP, and OPEN - welcoming you to experiment.It is a combination of the old and new: the raw 8bit / chip tune approach combined with wireless connectivity, state of the art open source hardware, and expandability - gives us that FAT sound.
It is portable, allowing you to make music on the go.
The platform is a performance instrument, giving a full 11⁄2 octave keyboard control in compact packaging, through a classic stylophone interface. It is also a sequencer, allowing you to program rhythms and melodies, and play them back in sync with other platforms and instruments.
CHEAP, FAT and OPEN is designed for geeky musicians, the chip tune community, the makers, the circuit benders, the interaction designers and the musical programmers, and anyone else who wishes to experiment with sequenced / networked / low-­level musical exploration.

project development blog: http://tthheessiiss.wordpress.com/

sound samples: http://cheapfatandopen.bandcamp.com/

HYLICS - Ryan Jordan, Geraldine McEwan
Studio USF kl. 21:00, live act art
Hylics, of matter; "Can be thought of as a level of thinking, dealing with the
lowest portion of human nature. It is considered living by instinctual
drives with no sublimation. Hylics, choikus, sarkics, etc. are said to
be below Psychics which are below Gnostokoi, the highest order of
A modern day witchcraft, techno-mysticism, electro-hallucination; electronic alchemy. Hylics use base materials such as the body, wood, and metal, feeding them with electricity, home-made circuitry, and pure data, to control brutal sound objects colliding through the ether.

RDEX - Claude Heiland-Allen
Studio USF kl. 22:00, live act art

Claude says: RDEX (reaction-diffusion explorer) is a piece that explores an autonomous hyperspace mathematical model, searching for interesting emergent behaviour (life-alike, alife). The model is a kind of continuous non-linear cellular automaton, based on partial differential equations representing chemistry of two reagents involving reaction and diffusion.
RDEX analyses the behaviour that emerges from the system, moving on to a new set of parameters if it fades into unchanging uniformity or explodes into erratic numerical instability. Much more time is spent evolving the cellular automaton when neither of those alternatives occurs: when it finds something really quite interesting...

RDEX for live audio-visual performance has a sequencer to choose 4D parameter points from the database, with the resulting evolving patterns converted to sound using a variant of wave-terrain synthesis.

Project website: http://rdex.goto10.org/

My website:http://claudiusmaximus.goto10.org/

Studio USF kl. 23:00 live act art

This is a piece i started to create this year, an audiovisual visual psycho-poetry de/generative work using PD and IanniX and wireless sensors.

The aim of my performances is usually to use the what is called sound and visual "poetry"post avant garde system, to create and reach a trance state - at least for the performer, then for the public to feel how voice, computer processes, sound, text and video flickerings can bring together a higher state of consciousness by experiencing directly some subtle perceptions of our multi-dimensions experience through a vibratory shock possession. This awareness process is the core of my work for the last 15 years.

DYSTOPHONIA - Alexandre Quessy,Tristan Matthews
Studio USF kl. 23:30, live act art
The artists says: Cities lie and die. Buildings are built, destroyed and rebuilt, like respiration. People are stacked up in layers, living their lives on top of each other, in their own office or apartment. Living or working in a space that is being constantly torn apart and reconfigured has an intense impact on one's psyche. The dust and noise are so habitual that it becomes hard to imagine life without them.

In Dystophonia, two musicians, artists and developers offer you an experience with noise and light. Their live sampling of music involves atonal clusters, dissonant runs and contrary movement. The images are sampled with Toonloop and the sounds with Sooperlooper.

Toonloop is a live stop-motion animation system created by artist and developer Alexandre Quessy. It consists of a free software suite for video performance which shows the audience the creation process as well as the results. The Toonloop project has benefited from the support of the Society for Arts and Technology and the Université du Québec à Montréal.

UKI - Shu Lea Cheang
Studio USF kl. 23:45, live act art
Cheang says: UKI is a sequel to my scifi cyberpunk film I.K.U. [http://www.i-k-u.com], produced by Tokyo's Uplink Co., premiered at Sundance Film Festival 2000. I.K.U. sets up GENOM corporation as Net sex data empire which dispatches IKU (orgasm in Japanese) coders to collect human orgasm data. Made into I.K.U. chips for mobilephone plug in, GENOM introduced orgasm on the go and made a huge profit. The year 2030 brings down the NET, GENOM takes up human body for BIONET construct, yet another orgasm scheme for the bio-trend ORGANISMO. The IKU coders from I.K.U., sex data retrieved were retired and dumped at E-trashscape where coders, open source networkers inhabited. Trading sex for codes to reboot their hard drive bodies, UKI, borne out of E-trashscape, emerge as infectious virus.



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