Russerne har funnet ut hvorfor Per Spelleman byttet bort kua si! Dette russiske teaterkompaniet presenterer en forestilling av Anna Dobrovskaya, regissert av Aleksandra Fladaas.
Forestillinger 4 og 5 mai.
Passer for barn fra 5 år og oppover.
Billetter kjøpes ved inngangen.
Arrangøren skriver:
About Theatre
Moscow Music & Drama Theater for Children called ‘From A to Z' was founded in 1990. In 1995 it was awarded the status of a national theater.
We are a professional chamber theater for children, a company of like-minded creative people - professional actors, play directors, composers, playwrights, artists, choreographers - besides talent, we share one more trait - we do not want to part with our childhood.
Theater's program currently includes 15 performances for all ages, starting from 3 years up to the high school age. Still, the fundamental principle of our theater is to create performances and plays that could be interesting to both a child and to the escorting parent.
We believe that the challenge for theater has always been to help its audience find a single path which takes an adult back to the childhood and a child towards his future adulthood - and where they could both meet halfway. Some sort of a common path to better understand each other.
Each performance of our theater is made to help an adult feel all the pleasures of coming back to the childhood and at the same time provides an opportunity for a child to feel what it takes to be an adult, someone in charge of his own life.
About performance "The FIDDLE AND A LITTLE BIT OF SUN" written by Anna Dobrovolskaya, directed by Aleksandrs Fladaas.
In October 2009, Alexandra Fladaas, a play director from Norway, staged a musical fairy tale based on Norwegian folk stories, specifically a famous folk song about Per Spelmann. The play "The Fiddle and a Little Bit of Sun" is intended for the family audience and represents a distinctive, unique Russian vision of Norwegian tradition and culture as the original stageplay is written by Аnna Dobrovolskaya, a Russian playwright and music pieces are composed by Аndrey Peresumkin, a Russian musician.
Perhaps, this is the reason why it has soon become popular among the Russian audience, and now we are eager to show it to people in Norway."