
ELECTION NIGHT! Valgvake med direktesending fra USA. Kommentator Trine Eilertsen, innledere Sveinung Arnesen og Michael Alvarez, egen korrespondent i New York og dokufilmen The Made for TV Election.

Innledere: Sveinung Arnesen, PhD Candidate at the Department of Comparative Politics og Michael Alvarez, Guest lecturer at London School of Economics. Trine Eilertsen - Political editor, Bergens Tidende. Røkeriet, USF Verftet tirsdag 04. november 2008 kl. 19.15. Møteleder: Stine Ravnå and Tom C. Varges. From the outset, the 2008 US presidential election has garnered massive attention worldwide. Regardless of who wins, there is no doubt that the outcome will be unprecedented. Will Barack Obama or John McCain become the 44th President of the United States? Election NightOn November 4th 2008, all expectations and hopes will manifest themselves in the form of a definitive result. In accordance with tradition, The Student Society of Bergen invites everyone to join us for this unforgettable event. Apart from providing drinks and company, we will screen live television coverage and offer insight and commentary from Bergens Tidende’s Trine Eilertsen. While we await the result, our partners from Bergen Filmklubb will show the critically acclaimed documentary The Made for TV Election. Furthermore, our correspondent in New York City will convey the emotions and drama as the spectacle unfolds. Will the American people have their first Afro- American president in the democrat Barack Obama, or will the republican John McCain succeed in his attempt to gain the title as President of the United States? This question will be answered before the night is over.

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