METEOR: Book launch - Performing urgency #4

the final book in the Performing Urgency series by the House on Fire network: Empty Stages, Crowded Flats. Performativity as Curatorial Strategy edited by Florian Malzacher & Joanna Warsza. Performing Urgency is a publication series on the relationship between theatre and politics.

Empty Stages, Crowded Flats investigates an array of staged situations, from choreographed exhibitions, immaterial museums, theatres of negotiation, and discursive marathons, to street carnivals and subversive public-art projects, and asks how 'theatre-like' strategies and techniques can in fact enable 'reality making' situations in art, and how, as a consequence, curating itself becomes staged, dramatised, choreographed, and composed.

We will start with a short lecture on the concept of performative curating by Florian Malzacher, followed by a conversation between Florian and Anne Szefer Karlsen, moderated by Gulli Kr. Sekse.


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