

NOISE MAKE-UP LANGUAGE - Alejandra Maria Perez, Luka Frelih

NML is a noisemaking propaganda network of browsers, DIY electronics, pure data and activist collaboration.
In noise we perform an environment to manifest a display of forces, it's an environment more than a discourse, a space, or many spaces for noise to occur - a meta-discourse. Noise may still be occurring when there is sudden silence. Noise is similar to games. Noise is a sort of gaming environment where organization alternates with entropy.
Using the web as a dynamic visual composition canvas lets us bring the performance to the many networked screens the audience has and establishes a game field where confrontations can be enacted by moving and transforming visual and textual elements under combined human and algorithmic control.

The web is not only the lowest common denominator of today's wide spectrum of computers, it is also an excellent vehicle for getting open source software on many of them - increasingly designed as appliances where programmability by the user is seen as a risk and not a desired feature.
NML was designed to also work on the web as an easy way to publish an audiovisual call. Our first try was made to help to call out for people in Valparaiso to join a demonstration to protect funiculars, the town's unique industrial heritage, from disappearing.




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