

HUMAN MOBILE MEDIUM - Christiano Rosa, Daniel Llermaly

In the presentation, Cristiano Rosa (Panetone) and Daniel Llermaly (La Golden Acapulco) will present and share some experiences and reflections that have emerged from the tours that are led by different countries of South America (Argentina, Brazil, Colombia, Chile, Mexico, Peru, Uruguay), and they made a different route, but with the same idea. Only in the last year they made more than 100 workshops in over 40 cities. At the completion of these workshops also add labs, live performances often accompanied by local musicians and performers.Some of the topics covered are:
- Homemade Electronic Workshops like a medium
- Demystification of tech
- Questions about uses and proprietary of tech
- Anarchy/Pirate Radio and TV transmissons
- Using the stuff supposedly obsolete
- The process of creating multipliers
- Creation of working groups
- Development of face meetings

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