EETZ - Oscar Martin Correa
Live audio Performance
Time: 30 - 35 min.
caos audio teorie - extrange attractors-[from mathematical functions to organic jungle sounds]
Audio generated from the heretical use and the experimentation with the sonic possibilities of the iterative function "logistics" in a "complex number" versión [real+imaginary]. Inspirated but desviated from the research and work by
"Elaine A. Walker"
f(xn+1) = 1 - rxn2
adding chaos to the chaos
jumping from attractor to attractor
eternal instability
3d Fractals modulate the temporal frequency of the iterations (Chaos PD external by Ben Bogart)
Audio generators : I used [polywavesynth] a polyphonic synthesizer for Pure Data by Phil Stone
and some other more simple oscilator, [nqsint] + FM-AM .