

Ecology of Precariousness - blablabLAB


This presentation aims to show the technologies with which the blablabLAB collective was able to build from scratch and develop Haberlandt2008, Be Your Own Souvenir! (both with Honorary Mentions at Prix Arts) and other projects with the use of open source software, reused materials and DIY building.The story behind blablabLAB, can be an inspiring example of commitment to open source and the possibilities of ideas. Starting out from Raúl's small room in Barcelona and on a shoestring budget, first generating impossible ideas (a DIY biorreactor that at the same time is a vending machine?) and then building them and making them public. It is a chance to showcase how software and hardware developed by a global community ended up up being part of our installations.

It is also an opportunity to expose the ideas behind the art itself, its urban significance and the hidden agenda regarding relations between human sprawl, cities, citizens changing from consumers to producers and the unique ecology this processes generate.

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