Kelley har tidligere hatt opphold i Nord-Sverige og arbeidet der med konseptuelle tekster med utgangspunkt i artikkelen "Art within the arctic circle" av kuratoren Lucy Lippard, basert på en ekspedisjon i 1969.
I den andre fasen av dette polarsirkelprosjektet har Kelley hatt opphold som gjestekunstner på USF i Bergen og har arbeidet med romantiske og trancen- dentale forestillinger om "naturen" i skandinaviske og kanadiske nordområder.
Caroline Kelley er en kunstner som arbeider i flere disipliner; som akademiker, forfatter og billedkunstner. Kjernen i hennes kunstneriske virke dreier seg om å avmystifisere autensiteter og avdekke tvetydigheter og tvil.
Under åpent studio på mandag 21. mars kl. 18:00 - 20:00 presenterer hun tekster, tegninger og foto i rom 355 på USF, tredje etasje. Alle velkomne til en titt og en prat. Servering av forfriskninger.
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Kelley skriver om The Arctic Circle Project:
In February 2009, I traveled to the Arctic Circle in Sweden where I reinterpreted conceptual pieces by Lawrence Weiner, Harry Savage and Iain and Ingrid Baxter of N.E. Thing Company. These artists had organized an expedition to Inuvik, NT in 1969 to make work for an Edmonton Art Gallery show organized by Bill Kirby, a Canadian curator. They were accompa- nied by Kirby, Virgil Hammock and Lucy Lippard.
Lippard recorded the details of the expedition and published the document as "Art Within the Arctic Circle" in The Hudson Review (Vol. 22, No. 4) Winter 1969 -1970. I came across the article before I arrived in Sweden. In the course of carrying out these perfor- mances in Jokkmokk, Jukkasjärvi and Årrenjarka, I wanted to use the 1969 work as a template or radi- ant lens to consider the significance of the artwork and the gendered body of the artist-performer in the radical north -- and perhaps in the process alter the intention of the original work.
This project was formerly titled after Lippard's article, "Art within the Arctic Circle."
I've been working on the second phase of the project at A.I.R. Bergen (January to March 2011). While still inspired by the 1969 conceptual pieces (and my rein- terpretations of them), this work also takes into con- sideration romantic and transcendentalist notions of "nature," travel literature and the history of exploration to the Canadian and Scandinavian north/s. The work includes video, drawings, altered images and text.
Caroline Kelley is an artist-scholar. She has a D.Phil. in Modern Languages from the University of Oxford and studied in the MFA Program at the New York Academy of Art. She recently completed a research fellowship at the Humanities and Technology Labo- ratory at Umeå University in Sweden. Some of her research interests include literary theory,
including feminist and postcolonial theory; autobiog- raphy; life-writing; postcolonial literature in French; and language and languages in art."
USF er vertskap for Bergen kommunes internasjonale gjestekunstnerordning. Artist in Residence (AiR) er et begrep som dekker ordninger for reisende kunstnere over hele verden. Det er flere vertskap for AiR i Bergen, f.eks. Hordaland Kunstsenter og Flaggfabrikken.
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